Zenzile (Hannah Wants Remix)

When I was listening to this song on the ad, I was like, ‘omg this is amazing, such wow, much cool’ and then I shazamed it and found out what Ad I was watching. If you are a UK citizen, you will notice this banger of a tune from the Nandos ad… now I know what you’re thinking… it is either ‘wtf is Nandos’ or you’re like ‘why did she get her song from Nandos’ but hey! It’s not my fault this song is good but also used for a large conglomerate’s TV advertisement! I am using this song today BECAUSE IT’S REALLY GOOD OKAY?! The initial bass sucks you into this uptempo-ed and exotic beat, full of energy which then leads you to Hannah Wants amazing skills in the drop. All round, a great song! Enjoy xx

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